This forum contains the various private profile sections for each division of player on the forum boards. Likewise, your profile will be kept invisible to other usergroups, with Civilian profiles as the only exception to this rule. Since the Civilian period is an introduction to your character, your profile will be visible to the other "advanced" player groups, so that they can get a feel for what your character is like.
The purpose of dividing the profiles and keeping them private is simple; some information you may want to keep about your character is private, and limited knowledge that only a few, if any of your similar group units would know about. So, simply to explain, profiles are NOT to be posted here. They will be moved into the individual invisible forums to which the user belongs, when they have reached a point in-character where they are to be given profile privacy.
In general, try not to share much in your profile. You have a sitewide profile, which you can use to create a public profile, however, the profiles contained within these forums are private for all intents and purposes (with regard to the above information).